YUI Budokan live 2007

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YUI Budokan Live 2007
Concert by YUI
YUI budokan live.jpg
Nippon Budokan, Tokyo
YUI concert chronology
Spring & Jump
Budokan Live
YUI 3rd tour 2008 "oui" ~I LOVED YESTERDAY~

YUI held her first live show at Nippon Budokan on 19 November 2007 with all tickets sold out on the day itself. The show lasted approx 2hr 17min with around 10,000 in the audience.


The show opened with sounds of cars, traffic and people walking just like the atmosphere of a street live. Moments later, YUI appears and walked onto the substage in the middle of the hall. She sat down, crosslegged, at the end and took out her guitar from the guitar case. She lights up the candle but fails the first time. After her second try, she succeeds. No cables are attached except a microphone in front of YUI like how it use to be when performing her street lives. After "It's happy line", YUI jokely said “Everyone, thanks for coming today. Next up will be the last song…. NOT!”. She then starts singing "Good-bye days" but she messes up the lyrics and caused everyone to laugh. She then sings it again.

When "Merry Go Round" starts she goes onto the main stage, does a spin and shouts "BUDOKAN!!!". During the second MC, she introduces herself and her band members. After "LIFE", YUI introduces her friend Yuuyu kun (taken from Happy Birthday to you you) and starts asking for its birthday and afterward asks Yuuyu kun to dance together. During "Happy Birthday to you you", the big screen behind YUI shows lots of different colour bears dancing together as well as Yuuyu kun's girlfriend. YUI then asks all her fans to take care of themselves because its cold outside.

The next song, "Winter Hot Music", she put down her guitar and sang it with a mic in her hands whilist walking slowly towards the substage. The MC after "Skyline" was a YUI RADIO special with Shigezou san. At first YUI was unable to hear Shigezou san but the problem as soon sorted out. They had little talks with each other. Shigezou san then asks YUI to fulfill some requests left by some fans which sent in their request on YUI RADIO #28.

First request: Do a Mickey version of wuu~wan. YUI did it without thinking.

Second request: Ask the audience to support YUI on behalf of those that didn't make it. The audience gave a huge applause.

Third request: Do wuu~wan on her right hand and wuu~nya on her left. At first YUI thought she would be able to do it but after trying, found it difficult.

Fourth request: Which band member would save YUI if someone asked her to do another back flip. Everyone looked at YUI's guitarist Kaji san and with the drum rolls, Kaji san did it.

Fifth request: Wear thoses cocktail sunglasses. She went backstage to get them and wore them.

Sixth request: Pose as the emergency sign in her own way. She did it whilist wear the sunglasses.

Seventh request: Play the drums. She started off playing some simple beats but then suprised everyone by blasting off into a full rhythm which was accompariend by her fellow band memebers.

Last request: Have the audience to sing the first half of Good-bye days accompanied by YUI's guitar.

This ends the first half of the show.

YUI starts playing "LOVE & TRUTH" along with 22 string instruments behind her. Next she plays "Driving today" with a slower tempo. YUI then disappears off stage and the band session starts. When "RUIDO" begins, YUI comes back to the stage with a leather jacket and at the end there was fireworks which apparerntly shocked some people. The MC just before the "My Generation", YUI annouces that this will be the last song which caused everyone to go "what?"

YUI and the band members all changed to tour t-shirts for the first encore. "Understand" is then sung with slide shows of family photos from members of YUI Fanclub, including YUI's and when YUI was a child. "Thank you My teens" was played next with the screen behind showing the preparation of the tour and fans lining up. YUI bid farewell whilist the melody of It's happy line plays in the background. She disappears off stage but then reappears.

The final encore is with YUI all alone on the stage, she starts singing "TOKYO" with an emotional atmosphere. Whilist singing "TOKYO", YUI stopped halfway but continued to strum her guitar due to all overflowing emotions. With the audience encouraging YUI, she manages to calm herself down and continue to sing. Afterwards, YUI bids farewell and asking the audience to be careful on their way home and thus the end of the show.

Song list


1. It's happy line


2. Good-bye days

3. Merry Go Round

"It's happy line" Street live style





6. Happy Birthday to you you

7. It's all right


8. Winter Hot Music

9. I remember you

10. Skyline


--End of first half--


12. Driving today

13. Last Train



15. Jam

16. Rolling star

17. Highway chance


18. My Generation


19. Understand

20. HELP

21. feel my soul


22. Thank you My teens

--Encore 2--

