Smart magazine 2006.02 (Interview)

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Translated by Teo

Smart 2006.02 1.jpg
  • Things you're good at?

Having the mindset to enjoy everything in life.

  • Things you're bad at?

If I'm focus on doing one thing, I cannot do other things.

  • Favourite brand of western styled clothes?

I don't really know much about it, wish to learn it from now on.

  • What things you wish to have now?

Amp and music equipments. And goods to protect against cold.

  • Favourite type of male?

Not really particular with that.

  • Around what age and what kind of person you wish to marry with?

Never really thought of that.

  • Fashion that you like and don't like?

Something you won't be affected??? I really have no idea.

  • Famous people who you think is stylish?

Don't have any particular ones.

  • What place you wish to go for a date during winter?

(something) live performance. Or movies.

  • Your favourite place?

The beach at Shinguu

  • Best CD of the year?

Oasis - Don't Believe The Truth

  • Best movie of the year?

Taiyou no uta.

  • Best book/ manga of the year?

Kaze hikaru, 20th Century Boys, buranko nori

  • My boom' (Things that you're obsessed with) of the year?

Hot milk.

  • Catchphrase/ buzzword of the year?

"wakaru, wakaruyo." (I get it, I really get it)

  • The most touching moment of the year?

The encounter with people, a very touching year.

  • What you plan to challenge on next year?

Music composition, making music, or read a lot of novels.

  • Words for the readers?

yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Smart magazine 2006.02 (YUIs items).jpg

The part on the right:

YUI: I think about the lyrics day and night, whenever I'm watching TV or reading magazines. Even when I'm talking with friends....I'll write down my thoughts, what I felt and so on.

  • Your favourite fashion style?

I sit down cross-legged playing guitar, hence I have lots of jeans. But I don't really know much about fashion, I'll learn it from reading smart magazine (laughs).

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