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YUI Lover: The 1st YUI Forum & Fansite (commonly referred to as YUI-lover, YL, the forum, or YUI's English fansite) is a international website dedicated to the young and talented Japanese singer YUI. The community is mainly South East Asian, North Americans, Australians, and other English speaking nations. The main purpose for the start of the fansite was to spread the fandom of YUI and her music career, general news and information translation into English, and the sharing of media content. However after strict media copyright contents, YUI Lover restricted all illegal media from the forum. YUI lovers general focus is translating news and information, YUI's life updates, and building a strong friendly community of people that share that interest.

The 1st YUI-Lover members were mostly natives of other forums such as DAIforums, BoA-Nation and BoAjjang, YUI-Lover also had a sister forum that opened around the same time and consisted roughly the same members; The Motto Younha forums founded by cardcaptorstacey. Later through the years newer members of both forums began minor rivalry between the two artist conflicting minor quarrels. As of March 2010 YUI-Lover has over 5,909 registered members with over 400 advance members (members that at least visit once a month and more then 50 post). YUI-Lover grows at an average of 4 members per day, and have over 10,000 open forum topics.

In late 2009, YUI-Lover opened their fansite portion of the website finally granting the full name of The 1st YUI Forum & Fansite.

Pre-From Me To You

See also: YUI-Lover Time-line
See also: Skins and Banners History

The Start

YUI-Lover was created and build by members Shine and Aditz. Both originating from the parent Fansite; BoA-Nation. On December 26, 2005 YUI-Lover was created and two hours into the day the very first post, RULES/GUIDELINESwas created by Shine. Within that day the forum started with 8 joining members often referred to as the "First 8". On January 3rd 2006, the first week, A strong migration of over 20 people from the DAIforum joined YUI-Lover bringing the size of the forum to 36 members. On January 16, 2006 the first documented establishment of the full YUI-Lover Staff was posted. The Original Staff consisted of 2 Admins, Shine and Aditz. And 5 moderators XMarkTheSpot!, Ty_Sylicus, blue cat, viper92583, and Gin. The Original staff only received one additional Moderator, swtazngal, who was in charge of the members creation section. However became inactive after a few months.

The First Anime Boom (LIFE boom)

During the winter of 2005, YUI-Lover was created and gained most of its first batch of members after the release of YUI's 4th single LIFE. The song LIFE was used in the popular anime called Bleach, the song was used as its ending credits. The alluring sounds YUI's voice attracted predominately male members to join the community and most with strong anime backgrounds.

Post From Me To You

The Trinity Boom

The Trinity Boom is a mixture of 3 different booms around this time period it is also YUI-lovers biggest growth. The 1st album boom, The Good-bye days/Taiyou no Uta boom, and the 2nd anime boom (the Rolling star boom)

The Singaporean Era

Predominately Singaporeans in the forum, first YUI-Lover outing Dec 17 2006, first talks Mar 18 2006.

The Canadian Era

The number of active Canadians increased to as much number of Singaporeans after the Singaporean growth had steadied. These eras both had superior music talents which also started the first YUI-Lover collaboration CD Jan 2 2007

The 1st YUI-lover Staff Addition

On Jan 18 2007, 4 new moderators were introduced after the trinity boom, Chan-chan, Fanny, Reset, and Endtoinfinity.

Pre- Can't Buy My Love

The Cherry indifference

YUI's eighth single Che.r.ry and seventh single Rolling Star were both singles that branched from YUI's previous music styles. A minority of older members of the forum found Che.r.ry to be too poppy and too different from her previous singles and FMTY album, this began the first crucial drop of active members. The Che.r.ry single is often viewed as the "line" where members describe YUI's music as her "old style" and her "new style"

YUI-Lover Staff promotions and Leadership Transfers

Around April of 2007, it became noticeable that the moderators and admins were becoming more inactive. During this time Reset becomes Admin leading the team with Aditz. Fanny also becomes Global Moderator joining viper92583. These positions where chosen to be able to work both timezones so that YUI-Lover is continually staffed 24/7. Rest and Viper being from North America and Aditz and Fanny being from Asia. A few months later, Aditz decided that it would be best to pass the torch due to pressure from everyday life, thus Fanny was promoted to Admin to lead YUI-Lover with Reset and Endtoinfinity was also promoted to Global moderator.

The Malaysian Era

Jul 14 2007

Post Can't Buy My Love

The Spam Culture

Mar 14 2007 - The first Spam game was invented, a game that had no value and no effort of thinking required was born. Even though the first games started earlier 2007, same started out innocent and most had creative value and was used to pass time along turning slower seasons in between YUI singles and albums. However Spam games spawned a new cultured of Spammers. Spammers were usually members that have posted 15 - 20 times a day and primary in the Random Section, however not always just in the random section. More intense spammers posted through-out the forum with post that have no true values to the topic.

The Australia Era

Apr 30 2007

Pre- I Loved Yesterday

Activity Drop

As of September 2007 there was a 50% drop in new members per month. Before September 2007 YUI-Lover received an average of 200 new members per month but dropped to under 90 members per month. This again is most likely due to the change of YUI's music from her previous works. However even though there was a decrease in new members, active members still held strong to keep the forum active.

Love & Truth/Namidairo Mini Booms

One of YUI-Lover's smaller booms, both Love & Truth and Namidairo were YUI's first slow ballads since the her I Remember You single. These two singles sparked the return of a few past members and an increase of 25% newer members in the forum.

Post I Loved Yesterday

The New Media Guide Lines

Apr 1 2008, a few days before the release of I Loved Yesterday, YUI-Lover enforced its new rule of NO Official YUI media content can be shared or posted on the forum. This caused a slight decrease in the YUI-Lover community, however in a positive way. Leechers of the community were driven away by this new rule to forum other forums that soon became unsuccessful.

The Pinoy Era

The Filipino members started gaining population before I Loved Yesterday, but really became active around September of 2008.

The 1st YUI-Lover Japanese outing

May 24th 2008 was the first time YUI-lovers gathered outside their counties and meet with each other. Gotchi, Fanny, Artunee, and Depyon gathered together and went to the Taiyou no Uta film locations.

The YUI-Lover Great Depression

YUI's One year break

On August 29, 2008 before the release of YUI's fourth album (My Short Stories) she announced "that she would take a break for a while from all public appearances after this new album to re-energize herself". During this time YUI-Lover enters the great depression and loses almost all activity. The forum's new member rate fell less then 20 new members per month. During this time YL survived mainly by small amounts of diary updates, spam topics around the board, and most important survival was the creation of YUPI by member Kikino!.

Resuscitating Creations

As an act to keep YUI-Lover alive during the great depression, many creations where made to keep members interested in the forum even with the lack of YUI media and YUI news content.

YUPI Locks

A 4koma manga written and drawn by member Kikino. The character was originally created by YUI but was only mentioned and imitated a few times by her on YUI locks; her radio show. The manga's stories derive from YUIs personal life but made fictionally comical.

The YUI Merchants Corner

This thread was created to promote people to buy YUI's merchandise. By sparking members to purchase more YUI goods and rare goods, YUI-Lovers can stay connected physically with the forum and with YUI's music. This was done hoping that members will establish a more committed relationship, and become less likely to leave the forum.

YUI's Return

The 2nd YUI-lover Staff Impartment

The Creation of the Fansite

The Fansite Launch Catastrophe

The Fansite Recreation

Post Fansite Boom

YUI's 2nd Hiatus

FLOWER FLOWER: A new beginning

On April 3rd 2013, a new sub forum was added to the forum called "FLOWER FLOWER" after official news were released. It is hinted that FLOWER FLOWER will debut in May with the appearance at JAPAN JAM 2013 on May 4th and TOKYO METROPOLITAN ROCK FESTIVAL 2013 on May 26th.

Along with the newly released news, pictures of YUI were posted showing her new blonde pixie haircut. This new style has gained many mixed reviews.