Oricon Style 2008.03 (Interview)

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Oricon Style - Questions from readers to YUI

Translated by Uchihamel

2008.03 Oricon Style 07a.jpg

1) Just between you and me, what kind of songs are you intending to compose next?
YUI: Just between you and me..? That's amusing/interesting! As we advance towards spring, I would like to compose songs with a "spring feel".

2) What song do you always sing/hum to yourself?
YUI: Recently, it would be Neyo's "Because of you". It's not always this song though, I always sing to myself new songs which I have remembered. As I can remember tunes rather quickly, I can remember it after listening to it the first time, then after I will just keep singing that particular song for a period of time.

3) What CD did you buy recently?
YUI: Kraftwerk.

4) Simply put, what does the guitar mean to you?
YUI: Music is something which I cannot live without. That goes the same for guitar. When I realized it, it was something which I always have in my hand.

5) What was something that you are grateful for after debuting?
YUI: Everything. Being able to compose music, being able to hear words like "I've gained strength (from your songs)" from listeners. Everything is wonderful.

6) I would like to able to play YUI-san's songs perfectly (like the way you play)! Is there any trick to that?
YUI: As everyone has their own way of playing the guitar, being able to play it perfectly might be a little difficult. On the other hand, I feel that if everyone plays it (the guitar) in their own way/style, it will definitely be a lovely performance. And also, how about listening to the tune and remembering it, or trying to say out the guitar's parts/chords (as you play).

7) Which particular concert have you seen recently which was really impressionable?
YUI: Yamazaki Masayoshi-san's. He had a big chorus with everyone by himself.

8) What song did you often sing when you were young?
YUI: Probably YUMIN-san?(Yumi Matsutoya) Because my mom listens to it often.

9) Which comedian do you like recently?
YUI: Edo Harumi-san. Her OL (office lady) style and gestures, plus her witty catchphrases are interesting.

10) Do you have a favorite hakata-ben (hakata dialect) phrase?
YUI: kore sui tou yo~ (kore ga suki dayo)
Note: means "I like this~"

11) What is the most important thing in the world?
YUI: What could it be? Everything! I don't think there's anything which is not important.

12) What kind of food which you dislike will you go like "definitely anything but this"? Please also tell us your reason for that.
YUI: Pickled shallots and salmon roe. Pickled shallot will go "kyui kyui" (when eating it). I cannot stand that sound. For salmon roe, I dislike it because of the taste and the feeling when it squirts out.

13) You are going to outer space. What would you like to bring along with you?
YUI: Guitar.

14) Excluding musical instruments, what is the most expensive thing which you bought recently?
YUI: Buying a lot of CDs.

15) Do you have anything which you dislike of yourself personally?
YUI: There are some areas which I would like to change/improve. In order to become closer to my ideal person.

16) When you wish to raise your tension (to raise one's spirits), what kind of things will you do in order to achieve that?
YUI: Simply by singing to myself a song which I have just remembered raises my tension.

17) What animal do you think you resemble? (as in characteristics)
YUI: I was told that I resembled a raccoon before. I think I'll probably be more like smaller types of animals.

18) Has anything changed ever since you turned 20?
YUI: I was told that my expressions have become more adult-like.

19) "Namidairo" is the theme song for the drama "Yon shimai tantei dan" (asahi tv), and if you were one of the 4 sisters, which one do you think you are?
YUI: The youngest sister~ It seems that I'm rather willful/selfish!

20) If there's any kind of daily routine which you perform please tell us about it.
YUI: Every morning, when I wake up I will draw the curtains open and stretch my arms. Once the sun shines on you, you seem to be more awaken right? Then, I will return back to my futon once to warm myself up before getting out.

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