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  • <~Kikino> i was looking tokyo booklet
  • <~Kikino> producer was yohko murakami
  • <~Kikino> sound director was hisashi
  • <~Kikino> backy on bass!!!
  • <~Kikino> wow
  • <~Kikino> hair and makeup Yoji
  • <~Kikino> the same guy they have now
  • <~Kikino> yea hisashi was there all along
  • <~Kikino> since feel my soul but hw wasnt producer
  • <~Kikino> he was sound director
  • <~Kikino> info of musicians not listed in previous singles
  • <~Kikino> hisasahi was in Gr8 records since feel my soul
  • <~Kikino> icchi appears in goobye days
  • <~Kikino> and the producer, maybe manager was always yoko murakami from stardust
  • <~Kikino> dissapears on again
  • <~Kikino> and naoki sweets appears
  • <~Kikino> until HITS
  • <~Kikino> in Rain. Isshi appears
  • <~Kikino> Kei Isshi
  • <~Kikino> he was from the web stafff?
  • <~Kikino> and then he becomes manager - -