Moe moe kyun

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This definition was written by br4d137 and it lacks lots of everything.


The feeling u get when u look at someones actions and it makes you smile, grin, snicker, heart skip, or just simply put.... moeeee most of the time it is very subtle and unintentional... the real definition of kyun is the sound of tightening chest. It's either the sound of a heart or the sound it makes or your boobs or just something moe.

For example.... "YUI is getting her make up done for taiyou no uta.. the makeup artist has her hand around YUIs face.. and YUI winces" moe moeeeeeee...kyun~

Theres a lot of different interpretations of moe. Some in a perverse way, others in a cute way. Most of the time it's just how ur heart feels for the situation.


You can see the whole use of the term onanime series like K-ON or Lucky Star

The video shows Mio crying. Since Mio is a natural tsundere, her crying is showing her small dere side which is found to be moe by most people.


YUI pinch.gif

moeeee moeeeeeeee.................kyun~