ROCKIN' ON JAPAN 2007.05 (Interview)

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Interview translated by Teo, from half-banana.

The interview started with the interviewer, Komatsu Kaori (小松香里) asking YUI what is her date and place of birth.

She was born in 26th of March, 1987 (or Showa '62), in a town named Koga (古賀). Her family moved to Shinguu (新宮町) before she entered primary school.

YUI can't remember what was the very first memory she had in this world, but she remembers that when she grew slightly older, she caught a little wild boar by mistake. Taking a bug catching net, little YUI saw a puppy-ish animal along the river. She went near the animal and 'bashhh' captured it. She realised that it was a little wild boar after she brought it back. YUI thinks that not many kids managed to capture a wild boar, hence it was a very precious experience.

Another naughty incident by little YUI will be running away from home for the first time. Her grandmother stays very near, so little YUI stuffed a lot of sweets in a backpack, and left her house after saying "itte kima-su!", riding on a tricycle. Some old woman spotted her in front of a supermarket, and questioned YUI's mother. Her mom replied:" I saw it, it seems dangerous." Which means that little YUI was riding uphill, and a lot of big trucks coming downhill. It seemed that back then she was riding towards the wrong direction, used the opposite lane instead. YUI herself admitted she was really naughty back then. She just wanna try how it feels like running away from home without knowing that it is actually a sad thing.

Then the interviewer asked whether YUI went to her grandma's house frequently or not.

She answered yes, her grandma has a dog, sometimes YUI will take it for a walk or something. It's name is Gonta, she named it from a commercial song back then.


Her family consist of her mom and YUI only. As for her father, he was not around anymore (NOTE: Doesn't mean that he was *ahem*, just...not around ) when YUI was roughly 3 years old. That's why when she moved to Shinguu there were only 2 of them.

Her father.

She doesn't really remember anything about him because she was only 3, not even his face nor voice. On the other hand she was kinda curious what kind of person he is, or whether he is cool/ handsome. It seems that her father likes to sing, her mom too but her mom is kinda shy singing in front of people. YUI said that she never heard of her father's singing voice but she thinks that she kinda inherited his 'loves to sing' gene.

When she started to sing.

YUI said that she started to sing after she realised that she likes to listen to songs. She prefers listening, hence she will remember the song, and sing it out naturally. Yea, by nature (Teo doesn't know how to explain lol). When she was small, she will imagine the scenes based on the lyrics she heard, just like everybody else. From example the song 'Sotsugyou Shasshin' (Graduation Picture) by Matsutoya Yumi, even she was still a little girl, she was able to picture the scene in a classroom with desks, in a sunset, things like that. Mainly because that she listened to it quite often.