吉岡唯 Yoshioka Yui

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吉岡唯 (Yoshioka Yui) is YUI's real name.
This matter caused a lot of controversy among YL members,[1] arguing it shouldn't be a topic of discussion since her name was never revealed by YUI herself. Altough she have never revealed this information in public media, it was found in an old website related to bianco nero's lives. On the page you can see her name in kanji and a picture of young YUI with her name tagged on it.[2]

この日は音楽塾ヴォイスの設立七周年ということもあり、bianco neroのステージ前にはヴォイスファミリーの代田裕貴子、田中ゆきのり、YU-YA、Roundsell藤木雅之&松岡広樹、吉岡唯ら計5組がはなむけの曲を披露してくれた。

—From bianco nero's website.

Yui Yoshioka 2004.04.04.jpg

  1. Discussion in YL http://forum.yui-lover.com/topic/516257/
  2. The post where Teo posted the "evidence" http://forum.yui-lover.com/topic/519666/